No one will outwork me and no one will care more!

I am the one true candidate and the candidate with the breadth of experience and background to keep getting the problems solved. I am a working State Representative.

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No Oregon State Representative candidate has the experience Boice has in catastrophic fire awareness, prevention, response, suppression and recovery… it is the most defining (Natural Resource and community safety ) issue of our time
About Me

About Court Boice

I was fortunate to have been born in Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon. In May of 1971, as a junior in high school, I (surprisingly – out) won a scholarship to spend a week with southern Oregon Congressman John Dellenback and his family in Washington, D.C. It was a tremendous experience that began shaping my Conservative Political and philosophical views.



* Court Boice was born and has lived his entire life in District 1 – Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties.
* He’ll continue his work – reversing the 40 years of damaging Legislative Policies in Oregon that are destroying our Children’s Future, our Quality of Life, and our Economic Stability. We must stop and reverse decades of Bidenesque destructive decisions and policies.

I Work For The People

Born in Oregon and lived in this state my entire life. I have been on the front lines 48 years working for good. I have the background, experience and unique knowledge to function as a strong State Representative for Oregon constituents. I am not owned by anyone, no political party, no donors and no special interest. My record demonstrates that I know the importance of listening to and working with all legislators, local Public Officials, Oregon Departments and our Tri-County Citizens.
my promises

What I Will Fight For

Families and our Middle Class

History teaches us that there has never been a society that survived the loss of the middle class. The family does not exist to affirm the government. The government exists to serve the people. Keeping that correct perspective and relationship is my commitment to all of Oregon.

Law and Order

This is a core institution of a civilized society. We are a country of laws, not a country of men. Without Law and Order, our Citizens can not live in an environment of safety and security. Consequences for crime must not be avoidable, harsh, consistent, and legitimate.

The Economy

Without a strong and vibrant economy no state has a future. I will work with the legislature to eliminate our debt and establish responsible fiscal policy. I will remove burdensome business restrictions and regulations and work to lower the tax burden on the people and employers of Oregon.

Coos, Curry, and Douglas Counties – The beautiful Southwest Corner of Oregon – The Timber Capitol of the World, Greatest Ocean, Most Pristine Rivers, Funniest Fishing, Best Golfing, Healthiest Cranberries, Finest Wines, Rarest Easter Lilies, and our World Wildlife Safari.
We invite you to visit soon!
Winston to Harbor – Myrtle Point to Langlois – Port Orford to Bridge – Bandon to Agness – Powers to Green Acres – Gold Beach to Looking Glass – Coquille to Ten Mile – East Side to Carpenterville – Brookings to Dillard – Camas Valley to Fairview and Pistol River.

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I am the one true Oregon State Representative candidate and the one candidate with the breadth of experience and depth of knowledge. I will be a working Oregon State Representative.
PAC ID #22133

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